Dec 31, 2014
Dec 24, 2014
Oct 31, 2014
Oct 20, 2014
Aug 20, 2014
Jul 21, 2014
Chantal Goya [シャンタル・ゴヤ ] as an actress with Serge Gainsbourg
Movies made Chantal Goya popular all in France
and then out of Europe
Les dossiers de l'agence O " Le prisonnier de Lagny"
This is an episod from a serie of French television programs. Each episod had its own single plot that consists on an investigation by a team of private detectives. The serie was created by Marc Simenon (Georges Simenon's son). Plots were written both by Jean Salvy, Maurice Aubergé and Georges Simenon.
Chantal Goya (Cécile Chauffier Mignot) in the first episod of the serie in 1968.
Jul 17, 2014
Mar 29, 2014
Feb 17, 2014
Feb 8, 2014
yéyé childs
Charlotte Gainsbourg
As her name implies, she is the child of Jane Birkin
with Serge Gainsbourg.
4 studio albums have been made by this taleneted singer.
Thomas Dutronc,
the son of Françoise Hardy
and Jacques Dutronc,
is a popular artist of a gypsy-jazz genre.
He recorded 2 studio albums in the 2,000's.
David Hallyday is the son of Sylvie Vartan and Johnny Hallyday.
He edited 10 albums between 1987 thru 2010.
Jan 8, 2014
yé -yé singers nowadays
Anna Karina
The 60s "roller girl" of Gainsbourg continues to sing
...untill nowadays with Philippe Katherine in 2010
for "Un vilain petit canard" tale song.
"Les histoires d'amour" by Anna Karina,
extract from her last album studio in 2000's.
In 2010, Dani (Danièle Graule)
comes back with a new album
tittled " Le Paris de Dani".
Dani 's new album cover of 2010.
She recorded her first Ep in 1966.
Zouzou here talks about her career and
her friends: John Lennon, Marianne faithfull,
her boyfriend Brian Jones,
Jacques Dutronc as well, etc...
Zouzou (Danièle Ciarlet) and
her new album "En vers libre", Big Beat Records 2013
Sheila also edited a new album studio in 2012.
"Je pardonnerai" (i'll forgive) by Sheila
Sylvie Vartan
Sylvie Vartan シルヴィ・ヴァルタン in Nashville in 1965...
.Comes back in 2014 with a new album
called "Sylvie in Nashville",
recorded in the same city and studio than in 1965
Françoise Hardy
Still melancholic, Françoise Hardy フランソワーズ・アルディ
evokes her past life
in her new album "L'Amour fou"
Françoise Hardy "Rendez-Vous Dans Une Autre Vie"
Jacqueline Taïeb
Jacqueline Taïeb just edited a new CD
where she sings Elvis' success.
"Trouble" by Jacqueline Taïeb...
Jan 2, 2014
Jan 1, 2014
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Marianne Faithfull in nature

Gorgeous painting of Françoise Madeleine Hardy

...borrowed from and painted by Cay Brøndum, merci
Annie Philippe
...in 3D !
you say bring back biker girls days also?

no problem, voilà !
yeye filles et motos

...what's cooler than that !
Moto Girls Tuesday

...let's rock then roll with Françoise in cool trousers, vroom !
Patricia is there

...with cool boots and gloves !
moto girl of the day: Chantal Goya

...pic is blurry because it's the 60's
Sylvie getting some rest

...after singing yeye
Pussy Cat

Sylvie Vartan

...getting ready to fly away
sing sing sing with friends

teenie weenie boppie
springtime days almost here!

"et la fleur"
don't worry, spring is almost here

yeye pets!
while we wait on spring...

yeye pets, hooray!
yeye pet of the day

Sunday France Gall as always
Marianne with her yeye kitten

soo cute!
yeye dove and BB

"no salt on her tail"